ishrs sitesindeki doktorlarin tartismasindan alintidiir:: Jerry Cooley joins in: I think we’re making too much of these J hairs. I suspect most happy, healthy growing transplanted hairs started out as these vilified J hairs. I do a lot of my own placing and try to avoid J formation by proper site depth, lifting up gently after the graft is placed, but I still see a little J sometimes when a graft pops out. The distal bulb is a floppy sock that wants to bend a little as you drive it down the site. During catagen, it will shrink upward and eventually right itself. If growth is affected, it is most likely because the fibrous sheath was lacerated and the papilla escaped. Some patients have more fragile bulbs. I plant with 6× and can sometimes detect this happening; it’s harder to see with lower magnifications.
If I had to bet, Bob’s problem is staph.