Gönderen Konu: Saç Dökülmesine Karşı Bilimsel Araştırmalar (DeepWeb)  (Okunma sayısı 1557 defa)


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Virtüöz'den yine entresan konular, birşeyler öyle işte felan filan.Böyle bir konuya gerek varmıydı? Vardır ya niye olmasın.Her neyse arkadaşlar bugüne kadar saç dökülmesi hakkında birçok araştırma, makale, deney, teori yazıldı çizildi cart curt işte.Bende bilimsel olarak pek bilinmeyen birçok araştırmayı derleyip topladım.Yani anlayacağınız öyle hemen hemen her kaynakta yazmayan şeyler.Zaten böyle birşey için kim uğraşır tabi ki benim gibi boş beleş insan.Bilenleriniz varsada çaktırmayın ha, bilmiyormuş gibi konuya atlayın ve yorum atın.Sonra üzülüyorum bakın.Geceleri yatağımda ağlıyorum oğlum ben duygusal biriyim.Ihım, öhöm, hağğhh... Ben niye konuya giremediysem hala neyse.Arkadaşlar burda anlatacaklarım bilimsel dayanağı olan şeyler fakat belirtmem gereken bir husus var.Hiç biri kimsayasal olarak laboratuvarlarda oluşturulup test edilen şeyler değil.Bir bitkinin, sebze ve meyvenin özlerinden oluşturulmuş.Bunu söylüyorum çünkü konunun kirletilmesini istemiyorum.Arşive sizde destek olucaksınız.Kısaca altenatif tıp gibi birşey bizimkisi.O zaman boş muhabbetim geçtiyse başlıyorum.


İlk maddemiz siyah turp.Güney Korede bulunan Seowon Üniversitesi Gıda Bilimi ve Mühendislik Departmanı fareler üzerinde bir deney yapmışlar.Deneyde turpun saponin ekstraktlarının saç üzerine etkinliğini kaydetmek için çalıştılar.Deneyde genetik olarak saçsızlığa yatkın fareler kullanıldı.Sonuç foliküler keratini onararak atimik saç büyümesini uyardığını gözlemlediler.

"This study investigates the hair restoration efficacy of selected radish saponin extracts on nude mice. Nude
mice genetically predisposed to pattern balding were used in this study. Our study revealed the underlying
mechanism of stimulating hair growth in athymic nude mice by repair the nu/nu follicular keratin
differentiation defect. Thus, the topical application of radish saponin may represent a novel strategy for the
management and therapy of certain forms of alopecia. The term of hair density of PEE treated nude mice were
significantly increase as compared with of control nude mice. Histological observation of skin sample showed
no hair follicle or only distorted hair follicles were observed in the control samples, in contrast, by the PEE
treatment groups showed a fully formed and increased the number of hair follicles up to three times higher
than that of control group in terms of the number of hair follicles in nude mouse skin.PEE treated mice the
number of BrdU-labeled keratinocytes per anagen follicle increased significantly, especially in the follicular
bulbs and outer root sheath compared with the control mice. Moreover, PEE-treated nude mice also exhibited
a significant increase in the number of BrdU-labeled epidermal keratinocyte proliferation."

Kaynak: https://www.koreascience.or.kr/article/JAKO201909258119891.pdf


Forumda buna ait bir konu açmıştım yanılmıyorsam.Elma kabuğu ve üzüm çekirdeği ekstresinde bulunan bu madde saç büyümesini teşvik ediyor.Tsukuba Araştırma Laboratuvarları ve Tokyo Araştırma Laboratuvarları tarafından fare tüyü epitel hücrelerine yönelik yapılan çalışmalarda anagen indüksiyonunu uyardığı ve büyümeye teşvik ettiği onaylanmıştır.

"We have previously reported that proanthocyanidins
extracted from grape seeds possess growth-promoting
activity toward murine hair epithelial cells in vitro and
stimulate anagen induction in hair cycle progression
in vivo. This report constitutes a comparison of the
growth-promoting activity of procyanidin oligomers
and the target cells of procyanidins in the skin. Results
show that procyanidin dimer and trimer exhibit higher
growth-promoting activity than the monomer. The
maximum growth-promoting activity for hair epithe-
lial cells with procyanidin B-2, an epicatechin dimer,
reached about 300% (30 μM) relative to controls
(J100%) in a 5 d culture. Optimum concentration of
procyanidin C-1, an epicatechin trimer, was lower
than that of procyanidin B-2; the maximum growth-
promoting activity of procyanidin C-1 was about 220%
(3 μM). No other flavonoid compounds examined
exhibit higher proliferative activities than the procyani-
dins. In skin constituent cells, only epithelial cells
such as hair keratinocytes or epidermal keratinocytes
respond to procyanidin oligomers. Topical application
of 1% procyanidin oligomers on shaven C3H mice in
the telogen phase led to significant hair regeneration
[procyanidin B-2, 69.6% K 21.8% (mean K SD);
procyanidin B-3, 80.9% K 13.0%; procyanidin C-1,
78.3% K 7.6%] on the basis of the shaven area;
application of vehicle only led to regeneration of 41.7%
(SD J 16.3%). In this paper, we demonstrate the hair-
growing activity of procyanidin oligomers both in vitro
and in vivo, and their potential for use as agents to
induce hair growth."

Kaynak: https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S0022202X1540418X?token=7CC096870A31F0032D68715F6FFA4BAE7DCD0D15A596FE4D95B54A4BB55D47C19728244E4377BC41C8C2A4EF56933584&originRegion=eu-west-1&originCreation=20220320222902


Genel adıyla bilinen Saw Palmetto.Tamam, tamam haklısınız bunu bilmeyenmi var diyorsunuz.Durun bir sakin olun.Birçoğunuz bu bitkinin saç dökülmesine karşı etkisinin olduğunu duydunuz.Fakat gerçekten öyle olup olmadığını sorguladınızmı? Ya da hiç bilimsel araştırmalarına baktınız mı? Bence birazınız haricinde yapmadınız.O yüzden burada da yer vermek istedim.Bu sefer araştırmamız çinden geliyor vay sizi koronalılar.Nanjing Üniversitesi Dermatoloji Departmanı'nın araştırmasına göre serenoa repens özlerinin hücre büyümesi ve saç dökülmesinin onarılmasıdaki etkilerini inceledi.Mitokondriyal sinyal yolu TGF-β sinyalini aktive ederek, farelerin saç dökülmesi modellerinin yeniden üretilmesini ve onarılmasını teşvik etti.

"Plenty of plant extracts have been used for treating hair loss. This
study aims to investigate the effects of liposter olic extracts of Serenoa repens (LSESr) on hair
cell growth and regeneration of hair, and clarify
the associated mechanisms.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Human keratinocyte cells (HACAT) were cultured, incubated with dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and treated
with LSESr. Cell viability was examined by using
3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2-H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Hair loss
C57BL/6 mouse model was established by inducing with DHT. Hair growth, density, and thickness were evaluated. Back skin samples were
collected and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) assay. B-cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2), Bcl2 associated protein X (Bax), cleaved caspase
3 and transforming growth factor β2 (TGF-β2)
were examined using Western blot assay.
RESULTS: LSESr treatment significantly increased HACAT cell viabilities compared to
DHT-only treated cells (p<0.05). LSESr treatment
post injection of DHT significantly converted skin
color from pink to gray and increased hair density, weight and thickness compared to DHT-only treated mice (p<0.05). LSESr treatment significantly triggered follicle growth and decreased
inflammatory response. LSESr treatment significantly decreased TGF-β2 and cleaved caspase 3
expression of hair loss mouse models compared
to that of DHT treated mice (p<0.05). LSESr treatment significantly enhanced Bcl-2 expression
and reduced Bax expression compared to that of
DHT treated mice (p<0.05). Meanwhile, effects of
LSESr were substantial even achieving to the potential of finasteride.
CONCLUSIONS: LSESr promoted the hair regeneration and repair of hair loss mouse models
by activating TGF-β signaling and mitochondrial
signaling pathway."

Kaynak: https://www.europeanreview.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/4000-4008.pdf


Bir tür aminoasit olan taurin, saç folekülleri üzerindeki TGF Betayı baskılayarak dökülmeyi engellediğine yönelik çalışma.Taurin sporcular içinde çokca kullanılan bir amino asittir.Hatta boğaların testesteronlarından alındığıda bazı yazılan kaynaklar arasında.Fransız firması Loreal tarafından yapılan araştırmada taurinin insan saç folikülü üzerindeki koruyucu etkilerine ait makale.

"Taurine is a naturally occurring b-amino acidproduced by methionine and cysteine metabo-lism. It is involved in a variety of physiologicalfunctions, including immunomodulatory andantifibrotic. Taking advantage of the ability ofhuman hair follicle grown in vitro to recapitulatemost of the characteristic features of normal hairfollicle in vivo, we studied (i) taurine uptake byisolated human hair follicles; (ii) its effects onhair growth and survival rate; and (iii) its pro-tective potential against transforming growth fac-tor (TGF)-b1, an inhibitor of in vitro hair growthand a master switch of fibrotic program. Weshowed that taurine was taken up by the con-nective tissue sheath, proximal outer root sheathand hair bulb, promoted hair survival in vitroand prevented TGF-b1-induced deleterious effectson hair follicle."

Kaynak: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227896830_Protective_effects_of_taurine_on_human_hair_follicle_grown_in_vitro1


Kabak çekirdeği yağının erkeklerdeki androgenetik alopesi üzerine Korede yapılan plasebo kontrollü çalışmada saç büyümesine etkisi gözlemlenmiştir.

"Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common cause ofhair loss in men and affects up to 70% of men in later lifeand especially those aged over 50 years [1–3]. Genetic factorsand androgens primarily underlie the pathogenesis of AGA.Hair follicles become gradually miniaturized and spend lesstime in the active phase (the anagen phase) and more timein the resting phase (the telogen phase) of hair growth [4].Furthermore, it is known that dihydrotestosterone (DHT) isamajorplayerintheprocess[5].Topical minoxidil and oral finasteride have been ap-proved by the FDA for the treatment of AGA, but only about 30% of patients persist with medication over a year in private practice [6–8]. Oral finasteride was found to decrease libidoand ejaculate volume or cause erectile dysfunction, whereastopical minoxidil can cause scaling and itching of the scalp.Due to these adverse effects, patients seem to be drawnto alternative treatments with fewer side effects. In thiscontext, many natural products have been tested as potentialalternativetherapiesforhairloss.Someproducts,suchasgreen tea and saw palmetto, have demonstrated therapeuticpotential for the treatment of AGA and benign prostatichyperplasia (BPH) via the inhibition of 5a-reductase activity[9,10].Pumpkinseedoil(PSO)hasalsobeenreportedtobean effective treatment for symptomatic BPH [11]. Its actionshave been suggested to be due to phytosterols, which areknown to inhibit 5a-reductaseandtohaveantiandrogeni effects in rats [12]. However the effects of PSO on AGAhave not been established. We hypothesized that PSO is an effective, safe agent for the treatment of men with AGA,and thus we evaluated the efficacy and tolerability of PSO for treatment of hair growth in male patients with mild tomoderate AGA."

Kaynak: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262646327_Effect_of_Pumpkin_Seed_Oil_on_Hair_Growth_in_Men_with_Androgenetic_Alopecia_A_Randomized_Double-Blind_Placebo-Controlled_Trial


Munkhbayar ve arkadaşları tarafından yapılan bir çalışmada araşidonik asidin saç milinin uzaması, büyüme ve hayatta kalma ifadesi üzerindeki etkisini ölçtüler.Dişi farelerin traşlı sırtlarına dört hafta boyunca her gün plasebo, araşidonik asit veya minoksidil karışımı uyguladılar.Sırtlarında araşidonik asit uygulaması olan fareler, plasebo veya minoksidil gruplarındaki farelere göre daha hızlı bir oranda daha fazla saç yetiştirdi.Araştırmacılar araşidonik asidin, büyümenin anagen fazı sırasında bu keratin hücrelerinin çoğalmasını ve korunmasını teşvik eden özel büyüme faktörlerini aktive ettiğini öne sürdü.Çuha çiçeği yağındaki linoleik asit, araşidonik asidin öncüsüdür.Vücudunuz linoleik asit alabilir ve sonunda araşidonik asit olmak için karaciğerde sentezleyebilir.Ayrıca çuha çiçeği kafa derisini düzenlemeyede yardımcı olur.

"Recent studies have indicated that evening primrose oil can indeed have a direct effect on hair follicles.

In a study by Munkhbayar et al, the researchers took hair strands from healthy human volunteers between the ages of 20 to 50 years old and measured the effect of arachidonic acid on the elongation of the hair shaft, expression of growth and survival in-vitro, or using isolated human cells (6).Meanwhile, the researchers applied a mixture of either a placebo, arachidonic acid, or minoxidil every day for four weeks on the shaved backs of female mice.These mice had just ended the telogen phase and undergoing the anagen phase of growth. The anagen hairs were then examined 28 days later.Multiple results showed to be very positive. The cells in the dermal papilla were more viable for up to 2 µM of arachidonic acid before decreasing significantly with increased dosage.There was an increase in fibroblast growth factors and other molecules that stimulate hair production and survival. In addition, the hair shaft resulted in significant elongation at a moderate dose of arachidonic acid.Meanwhile, the mice that had the arachidonic acid application on their back grew more hair at a faster rate than the mice in placebo or minoxidil groups.The dermal papilla, which is located in the hair follicle’s bulb, is composed of cells that help regulate keratin. Keratin is a protein commonly known for building healthy hair and skin.The researchers postulated that the arachidonic acid activated special growth factors that encouraged the multiplication and maintenance of these keratin cells during the anagen phase of growth. Arachidonic acid also appears to trigger multiple signals that affect a variety of cell functions (7).Specifically, important molecular factors for preventing cell death (aka apoptosis or necrosis) are triggered and activated to help promote the survival of growing and existing hair cells.In addition, arachidonic acid appears to also induce anagen phase. It also extends the duration of the stage, resulting in more cell division before it settles into catagan phase.All this not only contributes to ample growth of hair, but also stronger and thicker hair strands.

But where does evening primrose oil come in?

Linoleic acid in evening primrose oil is a precursor to arachidonic acid. Your body can take linoleic acid and synthesize it in the liver to eventually become arachidonic acid.

However, it is important to note that based on the results of this study, mild to moderate amount of arachidonic acid will reap the most benefit. Too much will be counterproductive and may induce adverse inflammatory responses."

Kaynak: https://www.hairguard.com/evening-primrose-oil-for-hair-results/


Korede yapılan çalışmalarda fareler üzerinde panax ginsengin saç büyümesine teşvik ettiğini gözlemlemişler.Saç matrisi keratinosit proliferasyonunu yukarı regüle edebilir ve DHT kaynaklı androjenreseptör transkripsiyonunu inhibe edebilir görülüyor.Fakat insan saçı üzerinde etki mekanizması tam anlamıyla aydınlatılamamıştır.Bir başka teste Pakistanda yapılmış.Onunda makalesini ekledim.


"Ginseng has been shown to promote hair growth in several recent studies. However, its effects on human hair follicles and its mechanisms of action have not been sufficiently elucidated. This study aimed to investigate the hair growth-promoting effects of red ginseng extract (RGE) and its ginsenosides. The proliferative activities of cultured human hair folliclestreated withRGE and ginsenoside-Rb1 were assessed using Ki-67 immunostaining. Their effects on isolated human dermal papilla cells (hDPCs) wereevaluated using cytotoxicity assays, immunoblot analysis of signaling proteins, and the determination of associated growth factors. We examined the ability of RGE and ginsenosides to protect hair matrix keratinocyte proliferationagainst dihydrotestosterone (DHT)-induced suppression and their effects on the expression of androgen receptor. The in vivo hairgrowth-promoting effect of RGE was also investigated in C57BL/6 mice. Both RGE and ginsenoside-Rb1 enhanced theproliferation of hair matrix keratinocytes. hDPCs treated with RGE or ginsenoside-Rb1 exhibitedsubstantial cell proliferation and the associated phosphorylation of ERK and AKT. Moreover, RGE, ginsenoside-Rb1, and ginsenoside-Rg3 abrogated theDHT-induced suppression of hair matrix keratinocyte proliferation and the DHT-induced upregulation of the mRNA expressionof androgen receptor in hDPCs. Murine experiments revealed that the subcutaneous injection of 3% RGE resulted in more rapidhair growth than the negative control. Inconclusion, RGE and its ginsenosides may enhance hDPCproliferation, activate ERK  and AKT signaling pathways in hDPCs, upregulate hair matrix keratinocyte proliferation, and inhibit the DHT-induced androgenreceptor transcription. These results suggest that red ginsengmay promote hair growth in humans."


"The use of Herbal medicines in developed and developing countries is rapidly increasing on the presumption that they are better and safer than conventional medicines. It is now being reported that herbal preparations have far reaching effects on body systems especially in the developmental processes. The current study was conducted to evaluate the effect of Panax ginseng on developing hair follicle of albino mice. Materials and Methods: Thirty mice, 6 – 8 weeks old weighing 30 – 35 gm were housed together for mating and pregnancy was confirmed by vaginal plug. The fetuses were delivered and dissected on the 19th day and the fetuses were delivered, microscopic slides of the hair follicles small pieces of skin were removed and processed for to be examined under light microscope. Results and Conclusion: The pregnant dams were treated with Panax Ginseng and the litter obtained showed an increase in the number of hair follicles. Histological sections showed signs of haemorrhages and tissue degeneration. Although, embryo – toxicity in experimental model of animals may not reflect the situations in humans, further investigation and monitoring of the adverse effects of the Panax ginseng during pregnancy is warranted in humans.
Key words: Hair follicles, Embryotoxicity, Panax ginseng."

Kaynak: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268281984_Red_Ginseng_Extract_Promotes_the_Hair_Growth_in_Cultured_Human_Hair_Follicles
Kaynak 2: http://thebiomedicapk.com/articles/282.pdf


Yeşil çay yapraklarının etanolik ekstraktından elde edilen n-heksan, su ve etil asetat fraksiyonlarının saç büyümesini teşvik edici aktivitesini kanıtlamak için bir deney yapılmış.Endonezyada tavşanlar üzerinde yapılan çalışmada, flavonoid içeren su fraksiyonunun saçları uyardığı gözlenmiş.

"Hair loss and baldness  are one of the  abnormalities in the hair that often occurs in both men and    women. Many  cosmetic products from  natural to synthetic  materials have been  developed to overcome these problems, yet, synthetics product is potential to give side effects, such as local irritation. In this study, green tea (Camellia sinensis L.) leaves were used as active substances. The aim of this study was to attest   the hair growth-promoting activity of n-hexane, water, and ethyl acetate fractions from ethanolic extract of green tea leaves. Green tea leaves contain flavonoids which can help to promote hair growth. To obtain the compound, green tea leaves were made into ethanolic extract. The extract was obtained by maceration using 70% ethanol then partitioned using n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and water, to obtain the n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and water fractions. Ethyl acetate and water fractions have been shown to contain flavonoids, so it could continue the hair growth-promoting activities with concentrations of 1% and 4%. Hair growth-promoting activity was performed on rabbits. The results showed that 4% of water fraction containing flavonoids had the best hair growth-promoting activity."

Kaynak: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336234823_Hair_Growth_Promoting_Activity_of_Green_Tea_Leaves_Camellia_sinensis_l_Ethanolic_Extract


Meksika Metropolitan Üniversitesi tarafından yapılan araştırmada bitkilerden elde dilen beta sitesterolün prostat kanser hüclerinin büyümesini inhibe ettiği ve laboratuvar fareleri üzerinde prostat tümörlerini yavaşlattığı gözlemlenmiş.Bildiğiniz üzere saç dökülmesinin prostatla ilişkisi olduğu birçok araştırmada kanıtlanmıştır.

"It has been reported that β-sitosterol (U) obtained from plants inhibits the growth and migration of one type of prostate cancer cell and to slow the growth of prostate tumors in laboratory mice [1]. These data suggest that an androgenic mechanism of action could be involved, since growth of most prostate cancers is androgen-dependent. On the other hand β-sitosterol like other drugs derived from plants have a long tradition in the medical treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) in Europe.  At the present time no mechanism of action or precise classification of the active compounds for many of these drugs has been established, although substantial symptomatic improvement has been reported.  Recently it has been reported that β-sitosterol significantly improves the symptoms and urinary flow parameters present in BPH [2]. The purpose of this study was to determine if β-sitosterol has an effect on the weight of hamster prostate. Also it was of interest to know if this steroid could act an inhibitor of 5α-reductase, the enzyme that converts testosterone (T) to his more active form, dihydrotestosterone (DHT)[3]. Furthermore it was of interest to determine if this compound binds to the androgen receptor."

Kaynak: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/8938364_Effect_of_b-sitosterol_as_Inhibitor_of_5a-reductase_in_Hamster_Prostate


Hindistanda geleneksel bitkisel şifalı bitkilerin saç büyüme aktivitelerini incelemek amacıyla yapılan araştırmada centella asiatica, cyperus rotundus & Emblica officinalis alkollü ve sulu ekstrakt, fareler kullanılarak saç büyüme özellikleri açısından hazırlandı ve değerlendirildi.Hazırlanan formülasyonlarda saç büyümesinde mükemmel sonuçlar gözlenmiştir

"Method: Centella asiatica, Cyperus rotundus & Emblica officinalis  alcoholic and aqueous extract were prepared and  evaluated for the  hair growth properties using albino rats. The  hair growth  formulation was  formulated as  hair oil and   a pplied  topically on shaved skin  of rats.  Primary skin  irritation test, hair length,  hair density test were performed. The hair growth-promoting efficacies  were evaluated at 0 day,     10 days, 15 days, and   20 days after  the application  through the  hair re-growth area  significant hair growth  was observed  and the  hair growth was compared with the standard drug used 2% solution of minoxidil.

Result: The result revealed that the hair growth activity of each drug  was found proportional to the concentration range tested and compared with standard (2% minoxidil ethanolic solution) by an enlargement of follicular size and prolongation of the anagen phase. It holds the promise of potent herbal alternative for minoxidil.

Conclusion: Excellent results of hair growth were observed  in formulations prepared by cloth pouch decoction method  for preparation of hair  oils."

Kaynak: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301601784_Evaluating_hair_growth_potential_of_some_traditional_herbs


Bir gıda takviyesi olarak hazırlanan içeriğin telojen effluvium tedavisine yönelik çalışmasında gözlemlenen sonuç.

Kaynak: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330705988_Treatment_of_Telogen_Effluvium_using_a_dietary_supplement_containing_Boswellia_serrata_Curcuma_longa_and_Vitis_Vinifera_results_of_an_observational_study


Chulalongkorn Üniversitesi Farmasötik Bilimler Fakültesi Farmakognozy ve Farmasötik Botanik Anabilim Dalı'ndan Profesör Wanchai De-Eknamkul tarafından yapılan çalışmalarda mangrov ağacının ekstresinin saç dökülmesine neden olan hormonlar üreten enzimin aktivitesini engelleyen "akikequinone C" aktif maddesini içerdiğini bulmuşlar.FDA onayı için daha fazla sayıda gönüllü üzerinde daha büyük ölçekli bir test tekrarı yapmayı planlıyorlar.Şuan patenti özel şirket tarafından bir ürün haline geliştirilmek üzere Chulalongkorn Üniversitesi'den satın alınmıştır.

Kaynak : https://www.chula.ac.th/en/news/43245/


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Ynt: Saç Dökülmesine Karşı Bilimsel Araştırmalar (DeepWeb)
« Yanıtla #1 : 21 Mart 2022, 15:19:14 »

GP4G çok yüksek mineralli sularda yaşayan, tuzlu su karidesi olarakta bilinen Artemia salina adı verilen bir planktondan ekstre edilmiş aktiftir.Çevresel koşullara dayanıklılığla bilinen Artemia, bu koşullar daha da kritikleştiğinde kendisini sert bir kapsül içerisine alır ve bir tür uyku dönemine girer.Bu uyku sürecinde Artemia, GP4G adı verilen çok özel "yaşamsal" bir molekül sentezler ve depolar.Kurumuş kapsül içerisindeki Artemia, çok uzun seneler (ölçülen 70 sene) saklanabilir ve uygun koşullarda üretmiş olduğu GP4G molekülü sayesinde kapsülünden çıkaran yeniden gelişimine başlayabilir.GP4G, artemia için yaşamsal enerji kaynağıdır.Brezilyada yapılan araştırma sonucu GP4G'nin saç hücresinde büyümeye teşvik ettiğini gözlemlenmiştir.

"Our goal was to study the effect of Gp4G on skin tissues and unravel its intracellular action mechanisms. The effects of Gp4G formulation, a liposomic solution of Artemia salina extract, on several epidermal, depmal, and hair follicle structures were quantifi ed. A 50% increase in hair length and a 30% increase in the number of papilla cells were explained by the changes in the telogen/anagen hair follicle phases. Increasing skin blood vessels and fi broblast activation modifi ed collagen arrangement in dermal tissues. Imunohistochemical stain-ing revealed expressive increases of versican (VER) deposition in the treated animals (68%). Hela and fi bro-blast cells were used as in vitro models. Gp4G enters both cell lines, with a hyperbolic saturation profi le inducing an increase in the viabilities of Hela and fi broblast cells. Intracellular ATP and other nucleotides were quantifi ed in Hela cells showing a 38% increase in intracellular ATP concentration and increases in the intracellular concentration of tri- , di- , and monophosphate nucleosides, changing the usual quasi-equilib-rium state of nucleotide concentrations. We propose that this change in nucleotide equilibrium affects several biochemical pathways and explains the cell and tissue activations observed experimentally."

Kaynak: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/224970912_Diguanoside_tetraphosphate_Gp4G_is_an_epithelial_cell_and_hair_growth_regulator
Kaynak 2: https://www.eeose.com/UserFiles/Image/files/pdfler/gpegnof.pdf


Kafeinin insan vücudunda uyarıcı etkisinin olduğu zaten evvelden beri bilinen bir gerçek.İşte bu özelliği sayesinde kafeinin kellik tedavisin üzerine etkilerini araştıran T. W. Fischer MD, Uluslararası Dermatoloji Dergisinde makalesini yayınladı.Deneyde saç dökülmesinin erken evrelerinde 14 erkeğin kafa derisinden biyopsi aldılar.Daha sonra saç köklerini farklı seviyelerde kafein içeren çözeltilere maruz bıraktılar.Ayrıca bazı folikülleri saç dökülmesinden sorumlu hormon olan DHT'ye maruz bıraktılar.8 gün sonra DHT'ye maruz kalan saç foliküllerinde dahi büyüme gösterdi.Büyüme, yalnızca kafein çözeltilerine yerleştirilen foliküllerde en büyüktü.

"Background Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is a common problem in men of all ages, affecting
approximately 50% at 50 years of age. The underlying cause is an androgen-dependent
miniaturization of genetically predetermined hair follicles. Here, the hair organ culture model
was used to investigate the effects of testosterone and caffeine; the latter being a promising
candidate for hair growth stimulation.
Methods Hair follicles from 14 biopsies, taken from the vertex areas from male AGA patients,
were cultivated for 120–192 h in vitro with normal William’s E medium (control) or William’s
E medium containing different concentrations of testosterone and/or caffeine. Hair shaft
elongation was measured daily and at the end of cultivation, cryosections of follicles were
stained with Ki-67 to evaluate the degree and localization of keratinocyte proliferation.
Results Significant growth suppression was found in hair follicles treated with 5 µg/ml
testosterone. This was counteracted by caffeine in concentrations of 0.001% and 0.005%.
Moreover, caffeine alone led to a significant stimulation of hair follicle growth. These results were
confirmed immunohistochemically by Ki-67 staining.
Conclusions Androgen-dependent growth inhibition of ex vivo hair follicles from patients
suffering from AGA was present in the human hair organ culture model, a constellation which
may serve for future studies to screen new substances against androgen-dependent hair loss.
Caffeine was identified as a stimulator of human hair growth in vitro; a fact which may have
important clinical impact in the management of AGA"

Kaynak: https://www.eeose.com/UserFiles/Image/files/pdfler/caffeineno_b.pdf
« Son Düzenleme: 21 Mart 2022, 21:54:41 Gönderen: Virtüöz »
Bioxcin Forte Şampuan

Tedavi Sürecim

Whatever 282

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Ynt: Saç Dökülmesine Karşı Bilimsel Araştırmalar (DeepWeb)
« Yanıtla #2 : 21 Mart 2022, 20:13:48 »
Çok yararlı bir paylaşım. Bu tarz paylaşımların linklerini saklıyorum.

İçlerinde minoksilden bile etkili bir asit olan birçok doğal şey keşfetmelerine rağmen sektör neden finasteride ve minoksilden öteye gidemiyor? Şunları karıştırıp satmak kimsenin aklına gelmiyor mu?

Bulabildiğimi bulup uygulayasım var fakat deneyimleyen çok insan olmaması beni boşa kürek çekecekmişim gibi hissettiriyor. Kellik sektörünün gelişmemekte bu kadar ısrarcı olması beni delirtiyor.
Biotin 5000mg
Her gün 1 Dutasteride 0,5mg
Haftada 3 kez dermaroller
Günde 2 Minoksil +bemiks + bephanten+ evigen
Günde 2 defa masaj
Folik asit ve D vitamini takviyesi


  • Hero Member
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  • İleti: 1897
Ynt: Saç Dökülmesine Karşı Bilimsel Araştırmalar (DeepWeb)
« Yanıtla #3 : 21 Mart 2022, 21:06:55 »
Çok yararlı bir paylaşım. Bu tarz paylaşımların linklerini saklıyorum.

İçlerinde minoksilden bile etkili bir asit olan birçok doğal şey keşfetmelerine rağmen sektör neden finasteride ve minoksilden öteye gidemiyor? Şunları karıştırıp satmak kimsenin aklına gelmiyor mu?

Bulabildiğimi bulup uygulayasım var fakat deneyimleyen çok insan olmaması beni boşa kürek çekecekmişim gibi hissettiriyor. Kellik sektörünün gelişmemekte bu kadar ısrarcı olması beni delirtiyor.

Aynen öyle malesef.Daha elimde birçok bilimsel makale mevcut.O zaman devam ediyorum  ::)
Bioxcin Forte Şampuan

Tedavi Sürecim

Whatever 282

  • Sr. Member
  • ****
  • İleti: 262
  • Saç ekimi sonuçları
Ynt: Saç Dökülmesine Karşı Bilimsel Araştırmalar (DeepWeb)
« Yanıtla #4 : 21 Mart 2022, 21:30:10 »
Aynen öyle malesef.Daha elimde birçok bilimsel makale mevcut.O zaman devam ediyorum  ::)
Harika olur
Biotin 5000mg
Her gün 1 Dutasteride 0,5mg
Haftada 3 kez dermaroller
Günde 2 Minoksil +bemiks + bephanten+ evigen
Günde 2 defa masaj
Folik asit ve D vitamini takviyesi


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