Saç Ekimi Sonuçları
Saç Ekimi Sonuçları => Saç ekimi öncesi ve sonrası süreçle ilgili sorular ve öneriler => Konuyu başlatan: transplant - 22 Aralık 2017, 21:48:41
Hello to all,
I am searching for some doctor in turkey, which is performing DHI method because I do not want that anyone can see that hair transplant is done 10 days after..I read that the healing process is faster with dhi method and there is no redness
I do not need more than 2000 grafts (hairline)
My budgdet is 2000-2200 Euro
Have you some suggestions?
Hello welcome
Dr.Hakan doganay
DHı technique in the search for the most successful doctors in Turkey, you know this doctor
Looks like Esma&Serkan are your only choice considering your budget as you won't be able to afford Hakan Doğanay ;)
Esma & Sekran haven't termin in January
I know that the hakan's price is different for the patients from abroad..
any clinic or doctor in istanbul that produce good results with dhi technique or some other method with fast recovery time?
Esma serkan do not recommend do not doctor
Hasan akil is a doctor and usually he has successfull cultivations, may be you can think hasan akil. He is working estemylife.
Hasan akil is a doctor and usually he has successfull cultivations, may be you can think hasan akil. He is working estemylife.
is he performing dhi method?
Hasan akil is a doctor and usually he has successfull cultivations, may be you can think hasan akil. He is working estemylife.
is he performing dhi method?
As far as i know, this method is also available, but i’m not sure.
I have offer from AHD clinic (Hakan Doganay)
The transplant with technicians would cost 1 Euro/Graft
Has anyone done tranplant with technicians there?
They said that they are trained by doctor Hakan Doganay
but I would like to see if anyone here had done the transplant by technicians there?
what do you think?
Hasan akil is a doctor and usually he has successfull cultivations, may be you can think hasan akil. He is working estemylife.
is he performing dhi method?
Why are you obsessed with DHI? Success is all about doctor not method.
Hello to all,
I am searching for some doctor in turkey, which is performing DHI method because I do not want that anyone can see that hair transplant is done 10 days after..I read that the healing process is faster with dhi method and there is no redness
I do not need more than 2000 grafts (hairline)
My budgdet is 2000-2200 Euro
Have you some suggestions?
Hello there. Welcome to
Our forum is quite broad in terms of content. I would recommend you to review our form at any cost and to find the method of sowing you want.
I wish you a good time ...
Hasan akil is a doctor and usually he has successfull cultivations, may be you can think hasan akil. He is working estemylife.
is he performing dhi method?
Why are you obsessed with DHI? Success is all about doctor not method.
because it is faster recovery time..
and there is no need to shave entire hair
I am thinking about Zekeriya Kul, but in some cases he damaged donor area :S
And I don't know if he is doing transplant without shaving recepient..
also I wrote here that I have offer from AHD Clinic to do transplant by technicians..
any suggestions about this?
Hasan akil is a doctor and usually he has successfull cultivations, may be you can think hasan akil. He is working estemylife.
Hasan Akılın doktor olduğunu nereden çıkardınız. 2 yıllık sağlıkla ilgili bir bölümden mezun
Hasan Akıl isnt a doktor.
Hasan akil is a doctor and usually he has successfull cultivations, may be you can think hasan akil. He is working estemylife.
Hasan Akılın doktor olduğunu nereden çıkardınız. 2 yıllık sağlıkla ilgili bir bölümden mezun
Hasan Akıl isnt a doktor.
Oyle miymis bilmiyordum acikcasi, aydinlattigin icin sagol. Sanirim op dr. Bilgehan aydın sorumlulugunda yapiliyor, forumlardan okudugum kadariyla doktor oldugu kanisina varmistim.
Hello to all,
I am searching for some doctor in turkey, which is performing DHI method because I do not want that anyone can see that hair transplant is done 10 days after..I read that the healing process is faster with dhi method and there is no redness
I do not need more than 2000 grafts (hairline)
My budgdet is 2000-2200 Euro
Have you some suggestions?
I don't know how you got your facts but they are not correct. There are no methods that will hide the operation details in ten days. Transferred hair will shed within the first few months regardless of the method applied. Redness will go away in a month and it doesn't even always happen.
Your budget is quite in the range for any doctor in Turkey except Koray Erdogan and Muttalip Keser. So pick any that you like the results of. Forum search is your friend.
As you can see my hair loss is not so big..
I need about 2000 grafts for high density.. but I do not know what to choose..
And I would like to make transplant without shaving entire hair.. while, after transplant I can hide transplanted hair with my hair..
I would like to choose DHi method because I saw many photos 10 days after DHI transplant and because there is no need to shave entire hair.. and mostly noone can see that anything is done..
but the other methods are welcome if the results were high density of hair..
Dr.koray Erdoğan Dr.Hakan doğanay Dr.keser
best hair transplant that makes you come to Turkey outside of their doctor
Maxsimum 2400 greft ..
Total transplanted area:60/cm2
transplant... how did you proceed? Any result?
emrah cinik uses DHI
transplant... how did you proceed? Any result?
Keser'e ektirdi
Konu açsın da takip edelim ozaman :)
Konu açsın da takip edelim ozaman :)
Yeni yaptirmis. Ozelden soru bombardimanina tuttu beni. 22 tane ozel mesaj gonderdi su ana kadar :) Yeni sac ektirenlerin hassasiyetini bildigim icin sabirla cevap veriyorum.
Sorulari bitince konu acmasini tavsiye edecegim.
Yeni yaptirmis. Ozelden soru bombardimanina tuttu beni. 22 tane ozel mesaj gonderdi su ana kadar :) Yeni sac ektirenlerin hassasiyetini bildigim icin sabirla cevap veriyorum.
Sorulari bitince konu acmasini tavsiye edecegim.
Kaya... arkadas bunu google translate etmistir :) hahah
Kaya... arkadas bunu google translate etmistir :) hahah
Translate etmesinde hicbir sakinca yok economist arkadasim 😊
Yeni yaptirmis. Ozelden soru bombardimanina tuttu beni. 22 tane ozel mesaj gonderdi su ana kadar :) Yeni sac ektirenlerin hassasiyetini bildigim icin sabirla cevap veriyorum.
Sorulari bitince konu acmasini tavsiye edecegim.
çok iyi yapıyorsun yardım ederek zor bır piskoloji